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Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure if this is right for you? Here are some common questions answered. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team.

Does it work with PHPUnit?

Lightspeed currently supports PHPUnit v9.1 and above. Support for v10 is coming soon.

Does it work with Pest?

Pest v1.x is supported and support for v2.x is coming soon. If Pest is detected in your project, it will automatically be used to run tests.

Does it work with Paratest?

Lightspeed and Paratest are 2 different ways to parallelize your tests to execute them faster. As a result, Paratest is not supported. However, Lightspeed has a forking mechanism to run multiple processes on a single instance the same way Paratest does.

How do I know it will still run all my tests?

The package is open-source, you can check it out for yourself. And we have tests in place to assert the test splitting still assigns all tests to be executed.

Do I need to change anything to use Lightspeed?

There's no need to rewrite any of your tests. Lightspeed is a drop in replacement test runner for tests written in PHPUnit and Pest.

To make full use of Lightspeed, you will need to reconfigure your CI provider to run multiple instances of Lightspeed.

How does Lightspeed differ from Paratest?

Lightspeed runs tests in parallel just like Paratest. With Lightspeed, tests run on separate compute instances instead of separate processes on the same compute. This means you can make use of smaller instances to run your tests as fast as possible.

My test suite is not running faster. What gives?

We'd love to know more to help you run tests as fast as possible. Please email us details and we can help you out.